Clinical Expertise
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Over two thousand years Chinese medicine has developed an extremely sophisticated understanding of the body in health and disease that continues to develop even today in conversation with biomedicine and other sciences. I have studied with accomplished physicians in Beijing and Shanghai in both institutional and private settings and since developed a particular expertise in Chinese medical formulas and their use throughout the ages.
The evidence base for acupuncture as a safe and effective therapy for a wide range of conditions is growing all the time. Through almost forty years of practice I have developed an acupuncture style that draws on both Chinese and Japanese traditions and employs only a small number of needles during each session for maximum effect.
Diet & Lifestyle Advice
Promoting a wholesome diet and a lifestyle conducive to maintaining health and well-being are referred to in Chinese medicine as the art of nourishing vitality (yangsheng 養生). Tailor-made diet and lifestyle advice therefore constitute an integral part of my approach to medical practice so as to reduce the need for treatment of any kind to the minimum.
The Treatment Process
Stage One
Initial Consultation & Follow-Up
On your first visit I will make an in-depth assessment of your condition that will take about one hour. I will ask lots of questions, take your pulse, inspect your tongue, palpate your abdomen and take account of biomedical diagnostic data. If for any reason I think treatments other than acupuncture or herbal medicine would be more beneficial to your I will make appropriate referrals.
We will then agree on clear treatment goals and how to measure progress. The first stage of treatment consists of making some changes in this direction. Depending on the nature of the problem and your individual response to treatment this may take between a day or a month.
Stage Two
Follow-Up Consultations
The second stage of treatment consists of consolidating these changes. Consultations and treatments will typically last from between thirty to sixty minutes.
During this stage the main symptoms should improve continually and secondary symptoms should also improve. Sometimes a healing crisis is desired but most often you should just gradually get better. How long this takes depends on both the nature and chronicity of the problem and the vitality of your organism. Throughout this stage we will continue to monitor your progress according to mutually agreed upon goals.
Stage Three
In the third stage, diet and exercise should increasingly replace acupuncture or herbal medicine although occasional support may still be advantageous from time to time.
Throughout the treatment process I emphasise a gentle and balanced approach that I learned during two decades of research into the Menghe style of medical practice in China.
My Clinic
The Clinic@Southbank, 75 Roupell Street, Waterloo, London, SE1 8SS
Tel: 020 7928 8333
Established in 1986 as the Traditional Acupuncture Centre, the Clinic@Southank is London's premier centre for traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and acupuncture.
To find out more visit our clinic website by clicking the button below.